Date-20th June, 2020
Time-11 am.
An online mental health session by Dr. Ambrish Bhatt, was conducted for the students and staff of CCEW. Dr. Bhatt gave us a really interesting and thought-provoking session which inspired everyone to focus on their strengths and improve the points which need improvement. Dr. Bhatt has been facilitating human resource development for the past 22 years which was evident in his talk. He tried to teach us about how a person thinks by giving examples from his own life and from the lives of the people he has helped which gave us a way to find something similar in our own lives and improve on that. One of the important points explained was that we should be responsible for our own actions. Whatever we do should be a result of our own thinking and not a result of some external stimulus and that we should not react and let that stimulus affect us in a negative way. The session was extremely interactive and filled with activities to help the attendees understand the session better. One such activity included us writing down our strengths and the points we would like to improve on (as opposed to weaknesses, a term Dr. Bhatt did not like to use). He explained that writing these down would help us reflect upon them. Dr. Bhatt encouraged everyone to seek help whenever they feel it is necessary and made us understand that our mental health should not affect our daily functioning. He answered all the questions asked by the attendees, patiently and in detail and was open to help anyone who needed his guidance.