Society of Women Engineers, Cummins College of Engineering for Women (SWE CCEW) chapter hosted their flagship event, “The Incube Conference”, in the year 2020 for the second consecutive year. The theme of the conference was “Coexistence” which focused on the importance of sustainability, health, wellness, and application of engineering technologies in these fields. The aim was to empower the engineers of tomorrow to understand the problems we are facing today and to come up with solutions to solve them. The event brought together bright minds including strong engineering leaders from across the industry to talk about topics related to the theme. The conference had eminent speakers from Cummins India, some start-up ventures, and student speakers from Cummins College of Engineering speaking about various research topics that they had been working on. The conference was hosted from 30th October to 1st November with talks spread out on all the days. Due to the pandemic situation, the event was hosted virtually on the GoToWebinar platform, with over 100 registrations.
Here are some statistics related to the attendees:

Day 1

The conference began at 5.00 pm with the inaugratory speech of the Principal of CCOEW Dr. Madhuri Khambete, in which she highlighted the efforts of Maharshi Karve and spoke about the establishment of Cummins College of Engineering for women and how the SWE chapter was relevant to the institution.

Next, Dr. Anagha Kulkarni, Faculty Advisor SWE CCEW and HOD IT, applauded the completion of 4 years of the establishment of the SWE-affiliate since March 2016. She gave an introduction about the work of SWE CCEW and also mentioned how the Incube conference has helped the students in many ways. She then introduced Dr. Anuradda Ganesh, Chief Advisor to Chief Technical Officer at Cummins India, who was the speaker of the day. She began by stating that change is the only constant thing and how disruptive changes like the ongoing pandemic, force us to leap. She then shared some fantastic videos regarding innovations that people had come up with during the lockdown period to maintain social distancing and various safety measures. She added that creativity is the new normal and shared a video showing how the convocation ceremony was organized virtually for the students of IIT Bombay.

In the next session, David Green, the New Product Development Technical Leader at Cummins India, explained what Product Life Cycle exactly is. He elaborated on how the life of a new product starts, grows, and then ends at one point. He explained some of his projects at Cummins India, and, stated the implications of the Product Life Cycle and how long-term product planning and technology research needs to be aligned in a way that technology exists to support timely new product development and to ensure that market-leading new products are launched.

Day 2

The second day of the Incube conference began with Ritvi Mishra's talk about the different IoT protocols and platforms available for medical technology and its significance. She shared her research done during the coronavirus pandemic and explained the increased demand for health services which led her to think about the use of IoT in medical technology. Throughout the session, she explained various protocols like BLE, ZIGBEE, etc. which implement IoT and have applications in the health services sector.

In the next session, Neha Tiwari explained about the “new normal”, about the pandemic and its impacts, various restrictions imposed on us, the increasing fear and uncertainty, our changing lives, and how all of this is leading us to the “new normal”. She informed the audience about the 3 C’s of navigating the pandemic – 1. Compassion 2. Competence and 3. Change Management. She used the metaphor of the infamous story of the eagle shredding its skin midway through its life for rebirth. She reminded us, hence, to adapt, accept, and change as required. To keep hoping and moving. And finally, to keep navigating the pandemic change as required.

In the third session of the day, Yashashree Nigudkar spoke about the various technical aspects of the use of Machine Learning (ML) in stock price prediction. Starting with the basic introduction to AI and ML, she went on to explain the fields where AI is applicable- ranging from automation, gaming, smart devices to detecting diseases, analyzing background history of people, and predictions of a variety of things. She highlighted the importance of the right stock market investment as an additional source of income.

In the fourth and final session, Rucha Kulkarni explained how the use of biosignals can change the face of rehabilitation engineering. She explained the applications of rehabilitation engineering, Electromyography (EMG) is and how does it work by giving examples of EMG signal graphs and an explanation of the mathematical aspect of it. Then, Rucha shared with the audience, four different papers she had been reviewing and compared the accuracy results for each of them. Each of the papers had different algorithms, different numbers of features used along with some other factors. All the papers were compared and it was shown how different factors can have different accuracy results.

Day 3

The third day of the Incube conference was started by Vasundhara Chavan, sharing her vision about the future of shopping malls and markets and throwing light on the wide potential of augmented reality to revolutionize industries and enterprises. The main idea behind E mart is to create an immersive shopping experience by using augmented reality (AR). The speaker talked about AR, its applications, it's working, and also the challenges faced while implementing it.

The next speaker, Ihitashri Shandilya narrated the remarkable journey of her life from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. Her brainchild organization Mithilasmita is an award- winning social enterprise with the mission to preserve & promote the heritage folk art of India. The speaker stressed the importance of technology in women empowerment. She put forth some interesting anecdotes about how her background in technology proved advantageous in networking, marketing, brand building, etc. Increased awareness through access to global information is one of the key factors that benefit women entrepreneurs. Her journey is indeed inspirational for all.

One of the topics for day 3 of the Incube conference was ‘Harnessing technology for social good’. Tanya Jojy and Poorva Bhalerao, the speakers, began with a poll. They then threw light upon the history of technology, shared few laws like Moore’s law, and talked about recent developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning. They explained sustainable software engineering and spoke about the social impact revolution which can be observed by the change in investments, policies, choice of careers, how funds are endowed. They highlighted points like being aware of the social issues and thinking ways to solve them, making technology cheap and accessible to all. Elaborating design thinking, they said that good design is the basis of a good product. Sustainability, psychology, a good user interface, and a good user experience is very important.

The last talk of Day 3 of the Incube Conference, was by Nandini Singh, a second-year E&TC student, who knows a thing or two about mental disorders, gave a talk on “Sensitisation in Changing Times” where she mainly addressed some of the misconceptions regarding mental health and provided a socio-economic perspective on the same. Nandini shared more of her personal experiences and urged the audience to provide and seek help, whenever and wherever the need be. She concluded her talk by quoting Dr. Brock Chisholm, the first Director-General of WHO, who had declared that- “Without mental health, there can be no true physical health.”